123Guestbook.com will be shutting down on the 1st of July. Learn more


10:33am 04-01-2023
Hey! I love your website and it's a big inspo to me while I make mine! I know the yesterweb ring is gone now but would you want to be in a new one?
Replied on: 5:51pm 04-02-2023

Thank u!! I didn't know the yerterweb ring was gone since I haven't had time to uptade the website So, yes! I would like to be in a new one, but I haven't look up for new ones u. u

12:16pm 03-29-2023
i luv u
Replied on: 5:52pm 04-02-2023


8:36pm 03-11-2023
Your commissions are CRIMINALLY cheap. I love your lineart style it's something you'd see right off manga pages
✧・゚:*( ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )*:・゚✧
Replied on: 5:50pm 04-02-2023

Uwaaa, thank you very much!! I always try my best on my lineart, so it makes me happy you see it that way <3

11:44pm 03-07-2023
very cute web love evrything here
Replied on: 5:52pm 04-02-2023

Thank you <3!!

8:42am 02-22-2023
Luna :3
old web on top
11:47pm 02-20-2023
thank you for keeping the soul alive
12:34pm 02-14-2023
cool website, it reminds me of old bakeries
Replied on: 4:24pm 02-17-2023

Thank u! I hope it looks like it smells good :3

8:32am 02-07-2023
this cat is d this cat is r this cat is rd this cat is just j
1:06pm 02-04-2023
I adore ur web!!!we have a lot in common! :3 have a great day!! ^_^ :3
Replied on: 4:25pm 02-17-2023

Sharing interests it's a very fun thing to do! Thank u so much <3

11:05pm 02-03-2023
i love your webpage!! also amazing stamps >w<
3:05pm 01-28-2023
hai hai @_@ ??!!
2:18pm 01-27-2023
i saw your zacharie stamp
you’re approved by rasp themselves trademark
5:03pm 01-26-2023
i love the themem of your site, and your personality seems so fun! ty for being apart of the site ^.^
Replied on: 4:21pm 02-17-2023

!! Thank u sm! I love having a little piece of this site, everyone having fun with what I do makes me really happy :3

12:13pm 01-24-2023
Hola, quería decirte que tu página es muy linda! Leí tu entrada sobre Sakura y me dejaron con bastantes ganas de ver el anime! Venia pensando mirarla para inspiración de arte. Me encanta el look de los anime de los 90. Cuando iba a jardín, me despertaba temprano para ver la serie en la tele, tipo siete de la mañana. No me acuerdo mucho porque era una criatura, pero me gustaba lo suficiente como para que me dieran unos pañuelitos de tela fina para usar con estampados de Sakura que guarde por muchos años.
Saludos desde Argentina!
Replied on: 4:20pm 02-17-2023

Hola!! De verdad muchas gracias! Me hace muy feliz recibir un mensaje en español y más cuando es de Sakura ^^ Yo también era bastante pequeño cuando vi el anime, tiene esa dulzura de la nostalgia que a veces no puede olvidarse fácilmente <3 Gracias por tu mensaje!

5:32pm 01-23-2023
i love your site
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